joi, 27 septembrie 2012

John Galgano - Real Life Is Meeting 2012

Debut solo pentru bassistul trupei Izz. Cateva pasaje faine, altele mai putin, dar poate fi incercat.


1. Real Life Is Meeting (Part. I) (2:05)
2. Bigger On the Inside (3:29)
3. Lucky for Me (2:53)
4. This Is How It Happens (3:26)
5. The Only Thing (3:05)
6. Look Around (3:54)
7. 1000 (19:11)
8. Real Life Is Meeting (Part. II) (4:27)
9. Tihih Reprise (1:22)

John Galgano / bass, vocals, guitars, keyboards
Shawn Bishop / backing vocals, keyboards, percussion
Laura Meade / vocals
Chris Baldini / vocals
Paul Bremner / guitar
Greg Meade / guitar 
Brian Coralian / drums
Greg DiMiceli / drums
John Raimondo / drums

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