joi, 19 aprilie 2012

SBB - SBB 2012

Albumul de studio cu numarul 15 pentru legendara trupa poloneza.Musai de pus mana pe el, fain de tot.


1. Piwnica
2. Niemen
3. 74
4. Bunkry Wiedeńskie
5. Zwątpienie Lakisa
6. Aries
7. Urodziny w Roskilde
8. Rozstanie
9. Ameryka
10. Nowy Wiek
11. Lot nad Chicago
12. Seged
13. Memento
14. Muzy
15. Zaufani
16. Requiem

Józef Skrzek / bass, piano, organ, micro moog, mini moog, vocals
Apostolis Anthymos / guitars
Paul Wertico / drums 

Notturno Concertante - Canzoni allo specchio 2012

Trupa italiana revine cu un nou album, la zece ani de la precedentul. Unele momente ok, poate fi incercat.


1. Ahmed l'ambulante (6:16)
2. Young Man Gone West (3:45)
3. Come il vento (4:34)
4. Le anime belle (6.07)
5. On Growing Older (2:12)
6. The Price Of Experience (4:43)
7. Lei vede rosso (6:57)
8. La Milonga di Milingo (3:44)
9. Canzone allo specchio (4:29)
10. Ark En Ciel (1:55)

Lucio Lazzaruolo / classical guitar, keyboards
Raffaele Villanova / guitars, vocals
Giuseppe Relmi / lead vocals
Carmine Marra / sax, clarinet, whistles
Carmine Meluccio / violin
Gabriele Moscaritolo / accordion
Antonio D'Alessio / bass
Giuseppe D'Alessio / bass
Simone Pizza / drums

Guest musicians:
Raffaele Tiseo / violin (1, 2)
Umberto Spiniello / drums (7)
Massimo De Feo / cello (5)
Heidi Intingaro / backing vocals

Baby Woodrose - Third Eye Surgery 2012

Al saselea album pentru trupa daneza. Unul grozav, la care trebuie neaparat bagata urechea.


1 Down To The Bottom
2 Waiting For The War
3 Dandelion
4 Just A Ride
5 Bullshit Detector
6 Nothing Is Real
7 Love Like A Flower
8 Third Eye Surgery
9 Honalee

Lorenzo Woodrose / vocals, guitars, keyboards
Riky Woodrose / bass
Rocco Woodrose / drums


Psychema - The Entry Point 2012

Tot finlandezi, la primul lor album. Nitel mai duri, pot fi bagati in seama


1. Entry Point
2. You
3. Solace In Void
4. Antiparticle
5. About Face
6. The Past
7. Losing Grace
8. Semilucidity
9. Repetitive Moments
10. Fade Out

Tomi Kallava /vocals, guitars
Kimmo Pitkanen / guitars
Petja Rinne / bass
Vesa Koivunen / keyboards
Timo Larjo / drums

Status Minor - Ouroboros 2012

Finlandezi, la al doilea album. Nu prea iese cu nimic in evidenta, dar sunt 2-3 piese ok.


1. The Wind (4:15)
2. Hollow (4:56)
3. Glass Wall (4:35)
4. Like a Dream (5:46)
5. Confidence and Trust (2:31)
6. Stain (6:32)
7. Smile (5:34)
8. Flowers Die (5:24)
9. Sail Away (10:44)

Markku Kuikka / vocals
Sami Saarinen / guitars
Jukka Karinen / keyboards
Eero Pakkanen / bass
Rolf Pilve / drums

Galahad - Battle Scars 2012

Al noualea album de studio pentru trupa britanica. Unele chestii faine, altele mai putin, poate fi incercat.


1. Battle Scars (7.04)
2. Reach For The Sun (3.54)
3. Singularity (7.32)
4. Bitter And Twisted (6.58)
5. Suspended Animation (4.05)
6. Beyond The Barbed Wire (5.30)
7. Seize The Day (8.34)
8. Sleepers 2012 (14.07)

Stuart Nicholson / vocals
Roy Keyworth / guitars
Spencer Luckman / drums
Neil Pepper / bass, guitar, keyboards
Dean Baker / keyboards