duminică, 4 martie 2012

Lastdayshining - Our Heated Backs Encircle Us 2012

Post-rock scrie in dreptul lor, tipii sunt americani. Un album destul de slabut, doar ici-colo gasesti ceva mai interesant.


1. The Sun is Up
2. Son's Away
3. Turning Without Masks
4. We Were Made of...
5. Flowers in the Sand
6. In Brothers's Hands
7. Shadow's We See
8. Beauty, Untold
9. You Forgot How to Love

Mike Kendall / guitar
Bob Kendall / guitar
Jesse Bulka / guitar
Chris Hardiman / bass
Gabe Miller / drums

Lord Of Mushrooms - Perspectives 2012

Trupa franceza de progressive metal, la al treilea album. Unul care nu iese din tipare, oamenii isi fac treaba decent, dar cam atat.


1. Imago (6:42)
2. Warmth In The Wilderness (6:29)
3. Grace (Dedicated To.) (7:22)
4. Circles On The Water (8:36)
5. The Missing Link (5:35)
6. Red Queen's Race (2:50)
7. Light And Thunder (1:25)
8. Raindrops On My Wings (7:57)
9. Nyx's Robe (6:55)
10. Awaken (6:30)
11. Falling (Bonus Track) (6:48)

Gustavo Monsanto / vocals
Laurent James / guitars, backing vocals
Julien Negro / bass, backing vocals
Luca Mariotti / keyboards, clarinet, backing vocals
Marco Talevi / drums

American Hollow - Screaming into the Void 2012

Al doilea produs al americanilor, mai au un album scos in 2010. Alterneaza pasajele ok, de progressive, cu unele mai putin reusite.


1. Resurrect Dead on Planet Jupiter (1:46)
2. Last Dream Before Dawn (5:01)
3. Say, Is It Really True? (7:37)
4. Mandragora Mechanism (1:32)
5. Bonfire of Myth: Prophecy (6:10)
6. Bonfire of Myth: Tableau (11:41)
7. Bonfire of Myth: The Sum Total of Creation (1:43)

Kyle Mullikin / guitars, vocals
Jameson / vocals, devices
Chronos / drums, vocals
Nathan Alan Gilbert / bass, piano, synthesizers, vocals
Giles Reeves / Hammond B-3 organ
Naarah Black / backing vocals
Gerald Long / spoken word
Sonya Gilbert / vocals
Rob Duffin / vocals