luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Brokeback - Brokeback And The Black Rock 2012

Proiect al bassistului de la Tortoise, la al patrulea album. Atmosferic, suna bine, de incercat.


1.Will Be Arriving
2.The Wire, The Rag, And The Payoff
3.Who Is Bozo Texino?
4.Tonight At Ten
6.Don't Worry Pigeon
7.Tonight At Eleven
8.Colossus Of Roads

Douglas McCombs - bass, guitar
Chris Hansen - guitar
Pete Croke - bass
James Elkington - drums, organ, guitar

Tomahawk - Oddfellows 2013

Supergrup, material nou dupa sase ani, pentru care a fost cooptat si Trevor Dunn, care mai are destule colaborari cu Mike Patton.  Negresit, e de bagat spre ascultare.


1. Oddfellows
2. Stone Letter
3. I.O.U.
4. White Hats / Black Hats
5. A Thousand Eyes
6. Rise Up Dirty Waters
7. The Quiet Few
8. "I Can Almost See Them"
9. South Paw
10. Choke Neck
11. Waratorium
12. Baby Let's Play____
13. Typhoon

Mike Patton - vocals
Duane Denison - guitar
Trevor Dunn - bass
John Stanier - drums

And So I Watch You From Afar - All Hail Bright Futures 2013

Dupa doua albume destul de bune, irlandezii vin anul asta cu cel de-al treilea. La care nu am mai gasit nimic ce ar merita ascultarea.


1. Eunoia
2. Big Thinks Do Remarkable
3. Like A Mouse
4. Ambulance
5. The Stay Golden
6. Rats On Rock
7. Trails
8. Mend And Make Safe
9. Ka Ba Ta Bo Da Ka
10. Things Amazing
11. All Hail Bright Futures
12. Young Brave Minds

Rory Friers - guitar
Niall Kennedy - guitar
Jonathan Adger - bass
Chris Wee - drums, percussion

Dante - November Red 2013

Germani, la al treilea material. Peste care am trecut destul de repede.


1. Birds of Passage 10:03
2. The Lone and Level Sands 06:39
3. Beautifully Broken 04:33
4. The Day That Bled 11:54
5. Shores of Time 07:48
6. Allan 07:29
7. November Red 12:41

Alexander Göhs / vocals
Markus A. Bader / guitars
Markus Berger / guitars, bass
Markus Maichel / piano, keyboards
Christian Eichlinger / drums

Buke And Gase - General Dome 2013

Duo american, la al doilea album. Canta la instrumente facute de ei, foarte interesant, de ascultat.


1. Houdini Crush
2. Hiccup
3. In the Company of Fish
4. General Dome
5. Hard Times
6. Sturtle
7. Twisting the Lasso of Truth
8. You Do Yours First
9. Split Like a Lip, No Blood on the Beard
10. Cyclopean
11. Contortion in Training
12. My Best Andre Shot
13. Metazoa

Arone Dyer on the “buke” (a self-modified sixstring baritone ukulele)
Aron Sanchez on the “gas” (a guitar-bass hybrid of his own creation)