vineri, 9 noiembrie 2012

Soundgarden - King Animal 2012

Dupa o pauza de 16 ani, veteranii grunge-ului vin cu un nou album, al saselea al lor. Incepe domol, dar se aprnde pe parcurs. De bagat urechea la el.


1 Been Away Too Long
2 Non-State Actor
3 By Crooked Steps
4 A Thousand Days Before
5 Blood On The Valley Floor
6 Bones Of Birds
7 Taree
8 Attrition
9 Black Saturday
10 Halfway There
11 Worse Dreams
12 Eyelid’s Mouth
13 Rowing

Chris Cornell / vocals, guitar
Kim Thayil / guitar
Ben Shepherd / bass
Matt Cameron / drums

Diagonal - The Second Mechanism 2012

Al doilea material al britanicilor, dupa patru ani de la precedentul. Se simte muzica anilor '70, fain de tot, nu e de ratat.


1. Voyage / Paralysis (6.13)
2. These Yellow Sands (7:59)
3. Mitochondria(9:41)
4. Hulks (10:35)
5. Capsizing (9:10)

David Wileman / guitars, percussion, synth, vocals
Nicholas Richards / guitars, synths, vocals
Nicholas Whittaker / saxophone, clarinet, flute
Ross Hossack / synths
Luke Foster / drums

Salma Gandhi - The Quest For Nonsense Never Ends 2012

Trupa suedeza, album de debut. Sound interesant, cu treceri prin multe stiluri, e de bagat in seama.


1 Intro
2 Paranoid Cow On A Mushroom Lawn
3 Mulholland Mustard In The Custard
4 Why Does Matt Damon Always Say Matt Damon
5 Interludium
6 Marshmallow Space Station Track 8B Or 381C
7 Polish Rodeo For Drunken Teenage Midgets
8 Audio Killed The Stereo Video
9 Interludium
10 Santa Da Luna Pa Ruskie
11 Dr. Steveroll I Presume
12 Linus Plus Minus Linus
13 Outro