joi, 31 ianuarie 2013

Puscifer - Donkey Punch the Night EP 2013

Doua piese noi, coveruri dupa Queen si Accept, pe noul EP al trupei vocalului de la Tool. De incercat.


1. Bohemian Rhapsody “O.G. Mix”
2. Breathe
3. Dear Brother
4. Balls To The Wall “PIllow Fight Mix”
5. Breathe “Drumcell rework”
6. Dear Brother “Denton rework” (Big Black Delta)
7. Balls To The Wall “Silent Servant El Guapo Mix”
8. Bohemian Rhapsody “Sonoio rework”

Maynard James Keenan - vocals
Claire Acey - vocals
Juliette Commagere - additional vocals
Carina Round - additional vocals, guitar
Josh Eustis - guitar, piano
Mat Mitchell - bass, guitar, programming
Matt McJunkins - bass
Josh Morreau - bass
Zac Rae - piano
Jeff Friedl - drums, percussion

Oblivion Sun - The High Places 2013

Trupa americana, ce mai are un album la activ, scos in urma cu sase ani. Influente din clasicii progului, merita ascultat.


1. Deckard (6.35)
2. March Of The Mushroom Men (3.38)
3. Everything (2.39)
4. Dead Sea Squirrels (6.35)
5. The High Places (22.22)
i. My Eyes
ii. Awakening
iv.The Rules
v.The Cage
vi.Our Eyes

Stanley Whitaker / vocals, guitars
Frank Wyatt / keyboards, saxophones
David Hughes / bass guitar
Bill B. Brasso / drums

miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

Riverside - Shrine of New Generation Slaves 2013

Cel mai fain album pe anul asta ascultat pana acum. E al cincilea de studio al polonezilor si e de bagat adanc urechea la el.


1. New Generation Slave (4:17)
2. The Depth Of Self - Delusion (7:39)
3. Celebrity Touch (6:48)
4. We Got Used To Us (4:12)
5. Feel Like Falling (8:26)
6. Deprived (5:18)
7. Escalator Shrine (12:41)
8. Coda (1:39)

Mariusz Duda / vocals, bass
Piotr Grudzinski / guitars
Michal Lapaj / keyboards
Piotr Kozieradzki / drums

Zenit - The Chandrasekhar Limit 2013

Elvetieni, la al treilea album. Neo-prog de calitate, de bagat in seama.


1. Awaken
2. Matrimandir
3. The Daydream Suite
4. Pulsar
5. Cub Lady
6. PiGreco

Lorenzo Sonognini / vocals, acoustic guitars
Luigi Biamino / guitars, backing vocals
Ivo Bernasconi / keyboards
Andy Thommen / bass, backing vocals
Gabriele Schira / drums, percussion
Stefano Zaccagni / saxophone

marți, 29 ianuarie 2013

Jorn - Symphonic 2013

Piese reorchestrate, unul dintre vocalistii mei preferati. Desigur, de bagat spre ascultare.


1. I Came to Rock (6:34)
2. Rock and Roll Children (4:27)
3. The World I See (6:29)
4. Burn Your Flame (3:30)
5. Man of the Dark (5:14)
6. My Road (2:46)
7. Time to Be King (4:24)
8. Black Morning (4:37)
9. Like Stone in Water (5:19)
10. Vision Eyes (4:56)
11. War of the World (5:29)
12. Behind the Clown (4:12)
13. A Thousand Cuts (9:01)
14. The Mob Rules (4:06)

Jorn Lande - vocals
Tore Moren - guitar
Jimmy Iversen - guitar
Nic Angileri - bass
Willy Bendiksen - drums

Snakecharmer - Snakecharmer 2013

Supergrup in care gasim muzicieni unul si unul. Sound apropiat de Whitesnake, merita toata atentia.


1. My Angel
2. Accident Prone
3. To The Rescue
4. Falling Leaves
5. A Little Rock & Roll
6. Turn Of The Screw
7. Smoking Gun
8. Stand Up
9. Guilty As Charged
10. Nothing To Lose
11. Cover Me In You
12. White Boy Blues

Chris Ousey (Heartland) - vocals
Micky Moody (Whitesnake) - guitar, vocals
Laurie Wisefield (Wishbone Ash, Tina Turner) - guitar, vocals
Neil Murray (Whitesnake) - bass
Adam Wakeman (Ozzy Osbourne) - keyboards, vocals
Harry James
(Thunder, Magnum) - drums, vocals

Circle II Circle - Seasons Will Fall 2013

Nou album pentru trupa fostului vocalist de la Savatage, al saselea al lor, la trei ani de la precedentul. Se poate asculta.


1. Diamond Blade
2. Without A Sound
3. Killing Death
4. Epiphany
5. End Of Emotion
6. Dreams That Never Die
7. Seasons Will Fall
8. Never Gonna Stop
9. Isolation
10. Sweet Despair
11. Downshot
12. Only Yesterday

Zachary Stevens - vocals
Bill Hudson - guitars
Christian Wentz - guitars
Henning Wanner - keyboards
Paul Michael Stewart - bass
Adam Sagan - drums

luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Brokeback - Brokeback And The Black Rock 2012

Proiect al bassistului de la Tortoise, la al patrulea album. Atmosferic, suna bine, de incercat.


1.Will Be Arriving
2.The Wire, The Rag, And The Payoff
3.Who Is Bozo Texino?
4.Tonight At Ten
6.Don't Worry Pigeon
7.Tonight At Eleven
8.Colossus Of Roads

Douglas McCombs - bass, guitar
Chris Hansen - guitar
Pete Croke - bass
James Elkington - drums, organ, guitar

Tomahawk - Oddfellows 2013

Supergrup, material nou dupa sase ani, pentru care a fost cooptat si Trevor Dunn, care mai are destule colaborari cu Mike Patton.  Negresit, e de bagat spre ascultare.


1. Oddfellows
2. Stone Letter
3. I.O.U.
4. White Hats / Black Hats
5. A Thousand Eyes
6. Rise Up Dirty Waters
7. The Quiet Few
8. "I Can Almost See Them"
9. South Paw
10. Choke Neck
11. Waratorium
12. Baby Let's Play____
13. Typhoon

Mike Patton - vocals
Duane Denison - guitar
Trevor Dunn - bass
John Stanier - drums

And So I Watch You From Afar - All Hail Bright Futures 2013

Dupa doua albume destul de bune, irlandezii vin anul asta cu cel de-al treilea. La care nu am mai gasit nimic ce ar merita ascultarea.


1. Eunoia
2. Big Thinks Do Remarkable
3. Like A Mouse
4. Ambulance
5. The Stay Golden
6. Rats On Rock
7. Trails
8. Mend And Make Safe
9. Ka Ba Ta Bo Da Ka
10. Things Amazing
11. All Hail Bright Futures
12. Young Brave Minds

Rory Friers - guitar
Niall Kennedy - guitar
Jonathan Adger - bass
Chris Wee - drums, percussion

Dante - November Red 2013

Germani, la al treilea material. Peste care am trecut destul de repede.


1. Birds of Passage 10:03
2. The Lone and Level Sands 06:39
3. Beautifully Broken 04:33
4. The Day That Bled 11:54
5. Shores of Time 07:48
6. Allan 07:29
7. November Red 12:41

Alexander Göhs / vocals
Markus A. Bader / guitars
Markus Berger / guitars, bass
Markus Maichel / piano, keyboards
Christian Eichlinger / drums

Buke And Gase - General Dome 2013

Duo american, la al doilea album. Canta la instrumente facute de ei, foarte interesant, de ascultat.


1. Houdini Crush
2. Hiccup
3. In the Company of Fish
4. General Dome
5. Hard Times
6. Sturtle
7. Twisting the Lasso of Truth
8. You Do Yours First
9. Split Like a Lip, No Blood on the Beard
10. Cyclopean
11. Contortion in Training
12. My Best Andre Shot
13. Metazoa

Arone Dyer on the “buke” (a self-modified sixstring baritone ukulele)
Aron Sanchez on the “gas” (a guitar-bass hybrid of his own creation)

sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories) 2013

Al treilea album solo al lui Wilson, cunoscut pentru multiplele sale proiecte, dintre care Porcupine Tree e poate cel mai cunoscut. Fain de tot, de ascultat neaparat.


1. Luminol (12.10)
2. Drive Home (7.37)
3. The Holy Drinker (10.13)
4. The Pin Drop (5.03)
5. The Watchmaker (11.43)
6. The Raven that Refused to Sing (7.57)

Steven Wilson / vocals, guitars, keyboards
Guthrie Govan / guitar
Nick Beggs / bass
Adam Holzman / keyboards
Theo Travis / saxophone, flute
Marco Minnemann / drums

vineri, 25 ianuarie 2013

Mogwai - Les Revenants 2013

Al zecelea album pentru trupa scotiana, soundtrack-ul unui serial francez. La care e de bagat urechea.


1. Hungry Face 02:24
2. Jaguar 02:19
3. The Huts 04:02
4. Kill Jester 03:29
5. This Messiah Needs Watching 04:37
6. Whisky Time 01:39
7. Special N 03:49
8. Relative Hysteria 03:40
9. Fridge Magic 03:22
10. Portugal 04:01
11. Eagle Tax 03:21
12. Modern 02:49
13. What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? 05:52
14. Wizard Motor 04:41 

Stuart Braithwaite / guitar
John Cummings / guitar
Dominic Aitchison / bass
Barry Burns / guitar, keyboard
Martin Bulloch / drums

Lights and Motion - Reanimation 2013

Proiect al unui multiinstrumentist suedez, la prima realizare. I se poate da atentie.


1. Requiem
2. Home
3. Aerials
4. Drift
5. The March
6. Victory Rose
7. Epilogue
8. Fractured
9. Texas
10. Faded Fluorescence
11. Departure
12. Reanimation
13. Dream Away 

Christoffer Franzén - all instruments

La Maschera Di Cera - Le Porte Del Domani 2013

Alta trupa italiana, mult mai cunoscuta, unul dintre proiectele lui Fabio Zuffanti. Al cincilea material de studio, care e musai de ascultat.


1. Ritorno Dal Nulla (8:40)
2. La Guerra Dei Mille Anni (4:30)
3. Ritratto Di Lui (2:50)
4. L'enorme Abisso (5:46)
5. Ritratto Di Lei (4:49)
6. Viaggio Metafisico (3:44)
7. Alba Nel Tempio (4:23)
8. Luce Sui Due Mondi (5:11)
9. Alle Porte Del Domani (5:21)

Alessandro Corvaglia / vocals, guitars
Laura Marsano / guitars
Fabio Zuffanti / bass
Agostino Macor / keyboards
Andrea Monetti / flute, sax
Maurizio Di Tollo / drums

Le Porte Non Aperte - Golem 2013

Album de debut pentru italieni. Influente din muzica numelor mari ale progului italian, merita toata atentia.


1 Preludio Al Sogno
2 Il Re Del Niente
3 La Città Delle Terrazze
4 Binario
5 Il Vicolo Dei Miracoli
6 Rigattiere Dei Sogni Infranti
7 Nemesi
8 Oceano - Nel Canto Della Sirena
9 Giardini Di Sabbia
10 a) Animale Del Deserto Pt.1
     b) La Rivolta Della Tartaruga Elsie
     c) Animale Del Deserto Pt.2    
11 Imprevedibilità

Sandro Parrinello - vocals
Jacopo Fallai - guitars
Daniele Cancellara - bass
Filippo Mattioli - organ, synth
Marco Brenzini - flute
Giulio Sieni - drums

Gardenia - El Libro De Los Soles 2013

Al doilea album pentru argentinieni. Se simte un usor iz de The Mars Volta, se poate incerca.


1. Álamo
2. Al Horizonte
3. Lumine
4. Nace
5. Acuario
6. Vuelve a ser
7. Luminari

Iván Luis / guitar, vocals
Pablo Moreno / guitar, background vocals
Sergio Caram / bass
Adrián Moroni / keyboards, synthesizers 
Ezequiel Fernandez / drums

Elephants of Scotland - Home Away From Home 2013

Americani, album de debut. Nu rupe gura targului, doar pe ici pe colo pot fi gasite chestii mai interesante.


1. Geograph 06:33
2. Full Power 05:39
3. Starboard 08:54
4. The Seed 05:32
5. Home Away From Home 03:59
6. Errol McSquisitor 11:21

Adam Rabin - synth, vocals 
John Whyte - guitar
Dan MacDonald - bass
Ornan McLean - drums

joi, 24 ianuarie 2013

Kongh - Sole Creation 2013

Nou album pentru suedezi, tot dupa patru ani. E al treilea al lor si nu incape indoiala ca e de bagat urechea la el.


1 Sole Creation
2 Tamed Brute
3 The Portals
4 Skymning

David Johansson / guitars, bass, vocals 
Tomas Salonen / drums

Voivod - Target Earth 2013

Canadienii revin dupa patru ani cu un nou material, al 13-lea de studio. De bagat spre auditie.


1. Target Earth (6:05)
2. Kluskap O'Kom (4:24)
3. Empathy for the Enemy (5:46)
4. Mechanical Mind (7:40)
5. Warchaic (7:01)
6. Resistance (6:45)
7. Kaleidos (6:28)
8. Corps Étranger (4:35)
9. Artefact (6:26)
10. Defiance (1:32)

Denis "Snake" Bélanger / vocals
Daniel "Chewy" Mongrain / guitar
Jean-Yves "Blacky" Thériault / bass
Michel "Away" Langevin / drums

Jinetes Negros - Tawa Sarira 2013

Trupa argentiniana, la a patra realizare. Ce are multe momente pentru care merita ascultarea.


1. Tawa Sarira Intro 1:21
2. Juez de los Malos 4:48
3. Corazón y Naranjas 4:05
4. Canción del Océano 6:03
5. Suene Tu Milagro 5:29
6. Shawarma 5:16
7. Amada Inmortal 5:50
8. Luna de India 3:49
9. El Eterno Retorno 6:48
10. Esas Trampas 5:01
11. Las Cuatro Verdades 5:43
12. El Velo 3:42
13. Purgatorio 7:02
14. A los Ojos Bellos 6:53
15. Tawa Sarira Outro 1:32

Marcelo Ezcurra - vocals, guitar
Eduardo Penney - guitar, backing vocals
Alex Yamashiro - bass
Octavio Stampalia - keyboards, backing vocals
Ricardo Penney - drums, backing vocals

miercuri, 23 ianuarie 2013

Our Ceasing Voice - That Day Last November 2013

Austrieci, la al treilea album. Post-rock de calitate, e de pus urechea la el.


1. Afterglow 04:08
2. Until Your Chest Explodes 05:23
3. One Of These Nights 05:39
4. What Used To Be A Battle Song 04:36
5. The Anniversary 04:40
6. The City That Once Had A Name 06:28
7. Jaded 04:09
8. Like Wildfire 05:03 

Reinhard Obermeir -  guitars, vocals
Sebastian Obermeir - guitars, synthesizer
Eyup Kus - bass
Markus Rappold - drums
Matthew Ryan - vocals on 2, 5

joi, 17 ianuarie 2013

Céline Bonacina Trio - Open Heart 2013

Alt material numai bun de bagat spre ascultare. Tipa e din Franta si are invitati de seama pe album.


1. Souffle d``un Songe
2. Circle Dance
3. Wild World
4. Bayrum
5. So Close So Far
6. Watch Your Step
7. Out Of Everywhere
8. Pierrot
9. Desert
10. Open Heart
11. Snap The Slap
12. Lonely Dancer

Céline Bonacina / baritone saxophone
Kevin Reveryrand / electric bass (on 6,8)
Hary Ratsimbazafy / drums

Himiko Paganotti / vocals (on 5)
Pascal Schumacher / vibraphone, glockenspiel
Mino Cinelu / percussion

Special Guests on "Lonely Dancer":

Michael Wolnny / piano
Lars Danielsson / bass

Rudresh Mahanthappa - Gamak 2013

Saxofonist nascut in Italia, un album bun de tot. Nu e de ratat.


1. Waiting Is Forbidden - 08:56
2. Abhogi - 07:11
3. Stay I - 02:22
4. We'll Make More - 06:06
5. Are There Clouds In India? - 05:56
6. Lots Of Interest - 07:38
7. F - 02:22
8. Copernicus – 19 - 01:25
9. Wrathful Wisdom - 08:24
10. Ballad For Troubled Times - 05:52
11. Majesty Of The Blues - 01:43

Rudresh Mahanthappa / alto saxophone
David Fiuczynski / electric guitar
François Moutin / acoustic bass
Dan Weiss / drums 

Senri Kawaguchi - A La Mode 2013

Baterista japoneza de doar 16 ani, album de debut. Jazz-rock si fusion, se poate incerca.


1. Infinite Possibility 05:58
2. Acronym 03:17
3. Maybe I Know 04:42
4. Send One Your Love 05:30
5. Not Enough 02:57
6. Dessert In The Desert 02:01
7. Samurai Faith 05:22
8. Spanish Pirates 03:45
9. Highland Park15 04:33
10. Wonderland In The Sky 08:32

Senri Kawaguchi - drums
Takashi Masuzaki - guitars
Brian Bromberg - bass
Jun Abe - keyboards
Gustavo Anacleto - saxophones

vineri, 11 ianuarie 2013

Rob Mazurek Octet - Skull Sessions 2013

Alt album care e de bagat spre ascultare. Printre membrii trupei se regaseste si bateristul de la Tortoise.


1 Galactic Ice Skeleton
2 Voodoo and the Petrified Forest
3 Passing Light Screams
4 Skull Caves of Alderon
5 Keeping the Light Up 

Rob Mazurek – cornet
Jason Adasiewicz -vibraphone
Nicole Mitchell - flute
Thomas Rohrer - saxophone
Guilherme Granado - keyboards, electronics
Carlos Issa - guitar, electronics
Mauricio Takara - percussion
John Herndon - drums 


The Kandinsky Effect - Synesthesia 2013

Trio francezo-american, un album la care chiar e de bagat urechea.


1.Johnny Utah 06:23
2.M.C. 04:00
3.Cusba 05:31
4.WK51 04:49
5.Walking... 04:01
6.Brighton 04:18
7.Left Over Shoes 04:31
8.Lobi Mobi/Hotel 66 03:04
9.Mexican Gift Shop 04:22
10.Lars Von Trier 03:28
11.If Only 04:33

Warren Walker - saxophone, electronics
Gaël Petrina - bass, electronics
Caleb Dolister - drums

Fen - Dustwalker 2013

Britanici, la al treilea album. Pot fi gasite chestii interesante, de incercat.


1. Consequence
2. Hands of Dust
3. Spectre
4. Reflections
5. Wolf Sun
6. The Black Sound
7. Walking the Crowpath

Grungyn / bass, vocals
Derwydd / drums
The Watcher / vocals, guitars

Consciousness Removal Project - Tacit 2013

Proiect al unui finlandez, cu mai multe realizari la activ. I se poate da atentie.


1. Colossus I: Legacy 02:21
2. Mercurial 07:36
3. Colossus II: Thrashing 06:55
4. Decay Practice 04:50
5. Colossus III: Deadlock 07:36
6. Colossus IV: null && void 04:52
7. Lost Mnemonics 03:36
8. The Unknown Known 10:13

Antti Loponen - most instruments
Ilari Ryhänen - cello, saxophone 
Artturi Mäkinen - drums
Juuso Jalava - bass on "Lost Mnemonics" 

Cult OF Luna - Vertikal 2013

Primul album din anul asta ascultat. Suedezii revin cu un nou material dupa cinci ani, al saselea al lor. Fain, de ascultat.


1. The One (2:19)
2. I: The Weapon (9:40)
3. Vicarious Redemption (19:25)
4. The Sweep (3:14)
5. Synchronicity (7:26)
6. Mute Departure (8:40)
7. Disharmonia (0:45)
8. In Awe Of (10:14)
9. Passing Through (6:13)

Johannes Persson - guitars, vocals
Erik Olofsson - guitars
Fredrik Kihlberg -guitar, vocals
Andreas Johansson - bass guitar
Anders Teglund - keyboards, samples
Thomas Hedlund - drums
Magnus Líndberg - percussion