Americani, la al doilea album. Ascultat cam pe sarite.
1. Pharmakokinetic
2. Thorough.Modern
3. Through the Thicket...Across Endless Mountains
4. You Make Wonderful Pictures
5. Apis Bull
6. M.U.M.B.
7. The Great Explainer
8. Kaspar Hauser Could See the Stars In the Daytime
9. Gypsy Among the Pines
10. Whores of Babel
11. Arcology
Brandon Carr / guitars, vocals Scott Certa - bass Stephen Carr / drums, vocals
Nu stiu, eu unul, ce au vrut sa spuna cu ast' album, in intregime instrumental. L-am ascultat pana la capat doar pentru ca era vorba de VDG...
1. Earlybird 2. Extractus 3. Sackbutt 4. Colossus 5. Batty Loop 6. Splendid 7. Repeat After Me 8. Elsewhere 9. Here's One I Made Earlier 10. Midnite Or So 11. D'Accord 12. Mackerel Ate Them 13. Tuesday, The Riff 14. Dronus
Peter Hammill / guitar and keyboards Hugh Banton / organ, bass pedals and bass guitar Guy Evans / drums
Proiect in care il regasim, printre altii, pe Trevor Rabin, care a trecut si pe la Yes, album de debut. Se poate asculta.
1. Freeway 2. Waiting For The Right Time 3. Your Life 4. Man On The Moon 5. Every Single Night In Jamaica 6. Stay Elaine 7. Barking Up the Right Tree 8. Garden of Flowers 9. Watching You Out There 10. You & 1
Trevor Horn / bass, vocals
Steve Lipson / guitar
Lo Creme / guitar, vocals
Ash Soan / drums
Trupa olandeza, la al treilea album. Aduc pe alocuri cu Marillion, pot fi bagati in seama.
1. Across The Rubicon (2:18)
2. Breathe (11:31)
3. Empty Place (4:05)
4. When Snow's Falling Down (7:09)
5. Anybody (11:21)
6. Grendel Memories (5:41)
7. Nothing (4:22)
8. Don't Stop This Movie (11:55)
Brian de Graeve / guitars, vocals Erik Laan / keyboards, vocals
Gerrit-Jan Bloemink / bass Jos Uffing / drums, vocals
Italieni, la al doilea album. Destul de bun, se poate asculta.
1. Swirl In Gravity
2. Lonely Skies
3. End Of Time
4. Wicked Flower
5. Ride On Another Sun
6. Garden Of burning Trees
7. Move Over
8. Drag My Mind
Monica Sardella / vocals
Lucio Calegari / guitar
Edoardo Giovanelli / bass
Paolo Negri / organ
Marco Barbieri / drums
Proiect in care regasim multi muzicieni cuniscuti, album de debut. Se poate incerca.
1. A Matter Of Energy 2. The Mystic Technocracy 3. Darwin's Tears 4. Norse Cosmogony (Part 1) 5. Norse Cosmogony (Part 2) 6. Judeo-Christian Cosmogony 7. The Divine Comedy. 8. Legion Of Aliens. 9. Loving The Alien. 10. The Gem Of Love. 11. The Secret of DNA (Part 1) 12. Purple Orb 13. The Secret of DNA (Part 2) 14. Prophecy 15. Black Swans
Douglas D. Docker (Biloxi, Area 51) / keyboards, lead & backing vocals, spoken voice Donald D. Docker / alto & tenor sax, clarinet, spoken voice Göran Edman (Yngwie Malmsteen, John Norum, Nostradamus, Karma) / lead & backing vocals, spoken voice Tony Mills (TNT, Shy) / lead & backing vocals Amanda Somerville (Avantasia, Epica) / lead & backing vocals John Payne (Asia) / lead & backing vocals Guthrie Govan (Asia) / guitars Jeff Watson (Night Ranger, Mother's Army) / rhythm & lead guitar, 12-string guitar Tony Franklin (Blue Murder, Whitesnake, The Firm) / bass Gregg Bissonette (David Lee Roth, Joe Satriani, Steve Lukather) / drums Magnus Jacobson (Miss Behavior) / drums
Tot americani, la al treilea album. Nici asupra astuia nu am zabovit prea mult.
1.Some Just Sleep 06:07 2.Rhythm of Life 07:45 3.Conductor (The Last Stop) 10:08 4.One More Day 03:55 5.Non Dimenticar 02:09 6.Music Man 05:35 7.The Garden of Turbulence 03:27 8.Too Far Gone 07:32 9.Long Black Car 09:38 10.Phoenix 06:38 11.Somewhere Between 11:58
Karl Eisenhart / guitar, keyboards, vocals Bill Fox / bass, guitar, keyboards, vocals Matt Francisco / lead and backing vocals, keyboards Greg Jones / drums
Americani, album de debut. Ascultat pe sarite, doar cateva momente mai rasarite, .
1. Can You Hear Me?
2. Middle Man
3. Age Of Foeces
4. Mindwarp
5. Senescence
6. Driver
7. The Sleeper
Ron Rutherford / guitars, guitar synth, bass, lead and background vocals
John Hagelbarger / keyboards, saxes and woodwinds, lead vocal on "Age of Foeces"
John Reagan / drums
Veteranii britanici revin cu o noua productie, al 11-lea material de studio. De bagat in seama.
1. Tomorrow The World (6:47) 2. Bury Me In Willow (6:01) 3. No Religion (6:36) 4. Faithful (5:37) 5. I Know How You Feel (4:53) 6. Face On The Bridge (5:59) 7. Al Gatto Nero (4:36) 8. Judas (4:43) 9. Ghost Of A Chance (4:21)
John Wetton / vocals and bass Geoff Downes / keyboards Steve Howe / guitars Carl Palmer / drums
Al doilea album scos anul asta de muzicianul portorican. La fel ca in cazul primului, nici la asta nu am intarziat prea mult.
1 Home Lost
2 Habits
3 Gentle Umbrellas
4 Spellbound
5 Fear Eats The Soul
6 Better to Hang a Dead Husband Than to Lose a Living Lover
7 Tentaculos
8 Decided
9 Compartir (Sharing a Bus)
10 Angel Hair
Coreeni, album de debut, mai au un EP cu trei piese scos in 2010. Recomandat de cineva, am gasit aici instrumente traditionale, o atmosfera faina de tot, l-am ascultat pe nerasuflate.
Scos dupa o pauza de 7 ani, asta e al optulea album de studio din discografia americanilor. De pus rapid spre ascultare.
1. Island (16:38)
2. Headright (3:00)
3. Locust To Bethlehem (5:11)
4. Some Memorial (11:54)
5. Past Gravity (7:11)
6. When Sunday Spills (8:48)
7. Speaking In Lampblack (10:45)
8. The Cardinal And I (7:20)
Ray Weston / lead & backing vocals
Brett Kull / guitars, lead & backing vocals
Chris Buzby / keyboards, backing vocals
Paul Ramsey / drums, percussion, backing vocals
Tom Hyatt / bass, backing vocals
Peste trei ore de muzica, colectie de piese needitate si live ale legendarei trupe germane. Nu e de ratat.
1 Millionspiel
2 Waiting for the streetcar
3 Evening all day
4 Deadly Doris
5 Graublau
6 When darkness comes
7 Blind mirror surf
8 Obscura primavera
9 Bubble rap
1 Your friendly neighboughood whore
2 True story
3 The agreement
4 Midnight sky
5 Desert
6 Spoon – live
7 Dead Pigeon Suite
8 Abra cada braxas
9 A swan is born
10 The loop
1 Godzilla Fragment
2 On the way to Mother Sky
3 Midnight Men
4 Networks of Foam
5 Messer scissors fork and light
6 Barnacles
7 E.F.S. 108
8 Private Nocturnal
9 Alice
10 Mushroom – live
11 One more Saturday night – live
Trupa olandeza, la a patra lor realizare. Influente din muzica anilor '70, un album ce merita negresit ascultat.
1Voodoo Mademoiselle
2 Six Holes And A Ghost
3 Devil’s Due
4 Crumbling Heart
5 The Only Thornless Rose
6 Northbound
7 Devil On A WireThe Telephone
8 Black Hole Raga
9 Sixth Dimension BluesThe Telephone Pt. II
10 Astral Awareness
11 Vicious Times
Musicians: Robin Piso / organ, vocals
Pablo van de Poel / guitars, vocals
Luka van de Poel / drums
Americani, care aduc mult cu Rush, la al doilea album. Pot fi gasite unele chestii interesante pe el.
1. We Pay The Price (4:43) 2. The Sirens Call (4:26) 3. Love For Sale (4:29) 4. Illusion (4:55) 5. Pull Me Under (4:26) 6. No More Monkey Business (4:03) 7. Reach Out (4:13) 8. Heaven Above (4:18) 9. What I Believe (3:58) 10. Any Other Day (3:19)
Carl Schultz / bass, keys, vocals
Mike Cappadozy / guitars
Dave Wayne / drums
Al 11-lea produs de studio pentru suedezi. De pus mana pe el, e de ascultat.
1. Numbers (25:20)
2. For The Love Of Gold (7:30)
3. Pandemonium (6:05)
4. For Those About To Drown (6:30)
5. Rising The Imperial (7:40)
6. Illuminati (6:20)
7. Fireghosts (5:50)
8. Going Up (5:10)
9. LoLines (4:40)
Roine Stolt / vocals, guitars
Hasse Fröberg / vocals, guitars
Jonas Reingold / bass
Tomas Bodin / keyboards
Felix Lehrmann / drums, percussion
Una dintre surprizele astui an pentru mine, Tipii sunt canadieni, la al patrulea produs, si suna al naibii de bine. Nu e de ratat.
1. First Day (5:48)
2. Hypnotic (6:35)
3. Rest My Head (6:44)
4. The Word (6:29)
5. Number Ten (3:04)
6. Why (6:25)
7. Brother (6:15)
8. Djoko (2:26)
9. Water (8:17)
Sylvain Auclair / bass. vocals
Simon L'Esperance / guitars
Mingan Sauriol / piano, keyboards
Thomas Brodeur / drums, percussion
Trupa poloneza, la al doilea album. Nu suna rau, dar parca ii lipseste ceva...A se asculta totusi.
1. Far Cry 2. Cold Genius 3. 1000G 4. One-Sided 5. Good News Comes After a While 6. Figaro Song 7. Best Wishes 8. Endgame 9. Nothing In Return 10. 21st Century 11. Venid
Filip Zieliński / vocas
Janek Niedzielski / guitars Artur Radkiewicz / bass
Łukasz Chmieliński / drums
Un album chiar bun, al nouălea de studio din discografia trupei. Nu aveam mari asteptari de la el, dar sunt cateva piese destul de ok. De ascultat.
1 Quasar
2 Panopticon
3 The Celestials
4 Violet Rays
5 My Love Is Winter
6 One Diamond, One Heart
7 Pinwheels
8 Oceania
9 Pale Horse
10 The Chimera
11 Glissandra
12 Inkless
13 Wildflower
Billy Corgan - vocals, guitar
Jeff Schroeder / guitar
Nicole Fiorentino / bass
Mike Byrne / drums
Nou album scos de chitaristul american, alaturi de care regasim alti muzicieni de mare valoare. De bagat adanc urechea.
1 New Year 7:37 2 Roofdogs 5:33 3 Come and See 8:28 4 This Belongs to You 5:20 5 Leaving Town 6:24 6 Interval Waltz 6:26 7 Signals (Orchestrion Sketch) 11:26 8 Then and Now 5:57 9 Breakdealer 8:34
Pat Metheny / guitars, guitar synth
Chris Potter /saxophones, bass clarinet
Ben Williams / bass
Antonio Sanchez / drums
Trio francez, un album destul de interesant. Se poate incerca.
1. Walking Downtown 2. Smoke On the Tube Amp 3. Dollers 4. Drums Solo 5. Take Care Brother 6. New One 7. Bad Song 8. Soft Tune 9. Hard Tune 10. MMW
Prima realizare a bateristului american. Una ce merita atentie.
1 Quadraphonically 2 Cancel the Cancel 3 Down Time 4 Prospect Park in the Dark (For Charles Ives) 5 Talking with Hands 6 Otaku 7 Thickets (For Gerald Cleaver) 8 Katahdin
Devin Gray / drums
Ellery Eskelin / tenor sax Dave Ballou / trumpet Michael Formanek / bass
Muzicieni de seama si pe acest album. Unul spre care poate fi aplecata urechea cu incredere.
1. Compared To That [8:26] 2. Rory Lowery, Private Eye [9:54] 3. If Ray Brown Was A Cowboy? [6:36] 4. Hayride [7:30] 5. A Little New Old School [7:19] 6. Forgiveness [5:19] 7. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? [4:52] 8. I'm Just Sayin' [7:42] 9. The Eclipse [8:59] 10. Give It To Me Baby [4:19]
Brian Bromberg / acoustic bass, hollow body piccolo bass, steel string
acoustic piccolo bass
Randy Brecker / trumpet, flugelhorn Vinnie Colaiuta / drums Alex Acuna / percussion Gary Meek / tenor sax Jeff Lorber / piano
George Duke / piano Mitch Forman / piano Larry Goldings / hammond b3 organ Tom Zink / piano Bela Fleck / banjo Gannin Arnold / guitar Charlie Bishart / violin
Pianist englez, alaturi de alti doi muzicieni foarte buni. Un album ce merita a fi ascultat.
1. Space Junk 2. Weathergirls 3. One Morning 4. Above the Sun 5. The Wind On the Water 6. King Barolo 7. Wax Lyrical 8. Devilled 9. Tawel Nawr (Quiet Now)
Gwilym Simcock / piano
Tim Garland / soprano&tenor sax, bass clarinet
Asaf Sirkis / drums, percussion
Colaborare interesanta, un album ce merita atentie.
1. Some Roads Lead Home 2. I'm Gonna Tell You This Story One More Time 3. Across the Imaginary Divide 4. Let Me Show You What To Do 5. Petunia 6. Topaika 7. One Blue Truth 8. Let's Go 9. Kalimba 10. The Sunshine and the Moonlight 11. That Old Thing 12. That Ragtime Feeling
Bela Fleck / banjo
Marcus Roberts / piano
Rodney Jordan / bass
Jason Marsalis / drums
Al şaptelea material de studio al belgienilor. Nu suna rau, dar nici nu iese in evidenta cu prea multe. I se poate da insa atentie.
1. Quatre Mains [4:56] 2. Sirens [4:13] 3. Hidden Wounds [6:15] 4. Girls Keep Drinking [3:48] 5. Nothings [2:30] 6. The Soft Fall [4:05] 7. Crazy About You [3:46] 8. The Give Up Gene [4:57] 9. Fire Up The Google Beast Algorithm [2:05] 10. One Thing About Waves [6:24]
Trupa americana, un album pe care nu am reusit sa il duc pana la capat.
1. The Fairy's Wing
2. Dark Carnival
3. Parallels
4. The Ogre
5. Into the Glade
6. Howl
7. Mirrors
8. Mortis Urgan
9. Cult of the White Witch
10. Epiphanies
Tammy Lounsberry / vocals, keyboards
Greg Lounsberry / guitar, bass, mandolin, keyboards, vocals
Matt Sweitzer / bass, piano
John Swope / drums
Daniel Lounsberry / Hammond Organ
Chris Cobel / keyboards
Norvegieni, la al treilea album, scos dupa o pauza de cinci ani. Pe felia Dream Theater, sunt cateva piese care suna destul de bine. I se poate da atentie.
1.Forging 2. Architect Of Fortune 3. Namaste 4. Game Of Life 5. Reach Within 6. I Am 7. Used 8. The One 9. Burn After Reading 10. Last Goodbye
Albumul cu nr. 22 pentru trupa franceza, scos la 40 de ani de la prima realizare. Merita incercat, cu siguranta.
1. Tueuse à gages (4:05) 2. Le premier arrivé attend l'autre (4:16) 3. Opéra-bouffe ou la quête du gras (5:54) 4. Les mots simples (3:34) 5. Moyen-Age a) Un goût de pain perdu (7:55) 6. Moyen-Age b) Camelote (2:50) 7. Moyen-Age c) Le cri du samouraï (3:43) 8. Moyen-Age d) A la cour du roi nombril (10:24) 9. Moyen-Age e) Les clés du harem (3:47) 10. Moyen-Age f) Je ne suis pas de ce monde (8:25) 11. Moyen-Age g) Entre les gouttes (7:16) 12. Moyen-Age h) Abracadabra (5:18)
Supergrup format din nume grele ale muzicii, la prima realizare, omagiu adus bateristului Tony Williams. Negresit, de bagat urechea.
1. Vuelta Abajo 5:25 2. There Comes A Time 4:17 3. Coming Back Home 4:36 4. Where 12:36 5. An T-Eilan Muileach 4:28 6. Vashkar 5:47 7. One Word 4:14 8. Blues For Tillmon 5:36 9. Allah Be Praised 4:07 10. Wild Life 4:47
Jack Bruce / bass
Vernon Reid / guitar
John Medeski / keyboards
Cindy Blackman-Santana / drums
Genul de album care ori iti place, ori il dai deoparte. Tipii sunt americani, asta e al treilea lor material. Ritmuri diverse, vocal cu inflexiuni medievale, am stat cu urechea lipita de la inceput pana la sfarsit.
1 No Dreams Tonight
2 Righteous Seed
3 Discipline for Edwin
4 Little One
5 First Song
6 Blinded Beast
7 Ten Year Teardrop
Musicians: Charlie Looker / vocals, synth, acoustic guitar Caley Monahon-Ward / electric guitar, synth, electronics, violin, backing vocals Nick Podgurski / drums, synth, electronics, backing vocals
Francezi, destul de interesanti, care isi descriu muzica drept "power-jazz-metal instrumental music". Asta e cel de-al cincilea lor material,care merge ascultat.
1. Gnocchis On The Block (5:22) 2. Brutal Romance (4:54) 3. Le Surfer d'Argentine (6:42) 4. Golden Ribs (6:47) 5. Fidel Gastro (6:48) 6. Oh P1 Can Not Be (4:54) 7. Cantal Goyave (5:09) 8. Glucids In The Sky (6:12) 9. Wig Of Change (5:24) 10. Metal Khartoom (5:23) 11. 11 Casse (3:49)
Al 11-lea album de studio al trupei suedeze, care va fi ultima lor realizare. De ascultat, asadar.
1. Prophet
2. The Sound Of Dying Demons
3. Dancing In The Temple (Of The Mad Queen Bee)
4. Waterwitch
5. The Lights Of Thebe
6. Psalms For The Dead
7. The Killing Of The Sun
8. Siren Song
9. Black As Time
Robert Lowe / vocals
Lars "Lasse" Johansson / guitars
Mats "Mappe" Björkman / guitars
Leif Edling / bass
Jan Lindh / drums