Trecere in revista (subiectiva) a celor auzite in februarie.
El Doom & The Born Electric-El Doom & The Born Electric
Lis Er Stille-Nous
Howlin Rain-Russian Wild
John Zorn-Mount Analogue
Gavin Harrison & 05ric - The Man Who Sold Himself
Lars Danielsson - Liberetto
Ulf Wakenius - Vagabond
Tord Gustavsen Quartet - The Well
Erland Dahlen - Rolling Bomber
Motorpsycho - The Death Defying Unicorn
Kayo Dot - Gamma Knife
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra - The West Will Rise Again
Vaura - Selenelion
Soen - Cognitive
Forgas Band Phenomena - Acte V
Portico Quartet - Portico Quartet
Crippled Black Phoenix - (Mankind) The Crafty Ape
Sunpocrisy - Samaroid Dioramas
Les Discrets - Ariettes Oubliées
Steve Hogarth & Richard Barbieri-Not The Weapon But The Hand
Ahmad Jamal - Blue Moon
Living Room in London - Living Room in London
Jenny Hval – Nude On Sand
Verneri Pohjola Quartet - Ancient History
Jens Thomas & Verneri Pohjola - Speed of Grace (A Tribute to ACDC)
Dirty Three - Toward The Low Sun
Paolo Fresu & Omar Sosa – Alma
The Atomic Bomb Audition - How to Dismantle a U2
Flying Colors - Flying Colors
Wadada Leo Smith's Mbira - Dark Lady Of The Sonnets
Hank Roberts - Everything Is Alive
Marty Ehrlich's Rites Quartet - Frog Leg Logic
Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Âme
Hypno5e - Acid Mist Tomorrow
Skyharbor - Blinding White Noise Illusion & Chaos
Swans-We Rose From Your Bed With The Sun In Your Head
Glass Kites - Glass Kites
Landmarq - Entertaining Angels
Barry Adamson-I Will Set You Free
Highasakite-All That Floats Will Rain
Landforge-Servitude to Earth
Andy Sheppard-Trio Libero
Ilya - Fathoms Deep
Thinking Plague - Decline and Fall
Acyl - Algebra
Stephan Froleyks-Fine Music With New Instruments
Sebastian Hardie - Blueprint
IOEarth - Moments
El Caco - Hatred, Love And Diagrams
Buckethead - Electric Sea
Paul Cusick - P'dice
Colin Edwin-PVZ
Aldo Tagliapietra-Nella Pietra E Nel Vento
Charlie Haden & Hank Jones - Come Sunday
Calibro 35 - Ogni riferimento... è puramente casuale
Neil Cowley Trio - The Face of Mount Molehill
Pharaoh Overlord - Lunar Jetman
Propane Propane - Indigo
Trio Subtonic - I'll Meet You There Tomorrow
Cartel Carnage - Incorporated
Vijay Iyer Trio - Accelerando
Will Bernard Trio - Outdoor Living
Kyle Bruckmann's Wrack - Cracked Reflection
Beyond The Bridge - The Old Man & the Spirit
Steam Theory - Helios Rider
Spiral - The Traveler
Villebrad - Ampersand
Alias Eye - In-Between
Reason - The Darkest Star
Centric Jones - The Antikythera Method
Cross - Wake Up Call
Jack deJohnette-Sound Travels
InMe - The Pride
In Realm - Open the flood gates
Dice - Comet Highway
Illusive Mind - Pembina
Dunderbeist-Black Arts and Crooked Tails
At The Graves - Solar
Galactic-Carnivale Electricos
Eric Marienthal - It's Love
Trecere in revista (subiectiva) a unor chestii nou-aparute. La care ar merge (sau nu) de bagat urechea.
miercuri, 29 februarie 2012
Alias Eye - In-Between 2012
Trupa germana, la al patrulea album. Unul cam sters, in opinia mea. E la limita intre a trece peste el si a i se da o sansa pentru o ascultare.
1. Arabesque
2. Break What We Know
3. In-Between
4. Time Machine
5. Indentured Pride
6. Stars Shall Fall
7. All The Rage
8. Distant Memories
9. Take What's Mine
10. The Blink Of An Eye
Tilmar Fischer / keyboards
Philip Griffiths / vocals
Ludwig Benedek / drums
Matthias Wurm / guitars
Frank Fischer / bass
1. Arabesque
2. Break What We Know
3. In-Between
4. Time Machine
5. Indentured Pride
6. Stars Shall Fall
7. All The Rage
8. Distant Memories
9. Take What's Mine
10. The Blink Of An Eye
Tilmar Fischer / keyboards
Philip Griffiths / vocals
Ludwig Benedek / drums
Matthias Wurm / guitars
Frank Fischer / bass
Tord Gustavsen Quartet - The Well 2012
Un alt album de ascultat musai. Pianistul norvegian si cei alaturi de care canta te poarta pe carari pline de emotie. A nu se rata.
1 Prelude
2 Playing
3 Suite
4 Communion
5 Circling
6 Glasgow Intro
7 On Every Corner
8 The Well
9 Communion
10 Intuition
11 Inside
Tord Gustavsen / piano
Tore Brunborg / sax
Mats Eilertsen / bass
Jarle Vespestad/ drums
1 Prelude
2 Playing
3 Suite
4 Communion
5 Circling
6 Glasgow Intro
7 On Every Corner
8 The Well
9 Communion
10 Intuition
11 Inside
Tord Gustavsen / piano
Tore Brunborg / sax
Mats Eilertsen / bass
Jarle Vespestad/ drums
Spiral - The Traveler 2012
Al şaselea produs pentru americanii catalogati drept Psychedelic/Space Rock. Un pic neprietenos parca la prima auditie, dar apoi pot fi descoperite chestii interesante. A se incerca.
1. The Red Giant Stirs (15:40)
2. An Epiphany Near Vega 9 (9:41)
3. The Caves Of Anamnesis (19:19)
4. R.I.P. Rip (12:16)
Chris Boat / keyboards, bass, guitar, voices
Aaron Frale / guitar, voices
Casey Mraz / lead guitar
Chris Walker / lead guitar
Chris Beasley / lead guitar
Denzel Thompson / voices, guitar
1. The Red Giant Stirs (15:40)
2. An Epiphany Near Vega 9 (9:41)
3. The Caves Of Anamnesis (19:19)
4. R.I.P. Rip (12:16)
Chris Boat / keyboards, bass, guitar, voices
Aaron Frale / guitar, voices
Casey Mraz / lead guitar
Chris Walker / lead guitar
Chris Beasley / lead guitar
Denzel Thompson / voices, guitar
marți, 28 februarie 2012
Hypno5e - Acid Mist Tomorrow 2012
Trupa franceza de Experimental/Post-Metal, la al doilea album. Care va fi cu siguranta apreciat de impatimitii genului, si nu numai, cred. Merita bagat in seama.
1. Acid Mist Tomorrow
2. Six Fingers in One Hand She Holds the Dawn Part I
3. Six Fingers in One Hand She Holds the Dawn Part II
4. Story of the Eye
5. Gehenne Part I
6. Gehenne Part II
7. Gehenne Part III
8. Brume Unique Obscurité Part I
9. Brume Unique Obscurité Part II
Emmanuel Jessua / lead vocals, guitar
Jérémie Lautier / guitar
Gredin / bass, backing vocals
Thibault Lamy / drums, samples.
1. Acid Mist Tomorrow
2. Six Fingers in One Hand She Holds the Dawn Part I
3. Six Fingers in One Hand She Holds the Dawn Part II
4. Story of the Eye
5. Gehenne Part I
6. Gehenne Part II
7. Gehenne Part III
8. Brume Unique Obscurité Part I
9. Brume Unique Obscurité Part II
Emmanuel Jessua / lead vocals, guitar
Jérémie Lautier / guitar
Gredin / bass, backing vocals
Thibault Lamy / drums, samples.
Vaura - Selenelion 2012
Alt proiect nou, in care il regasim, printre altii, si pe Toby Driver (Kayo Dot). Suna al naibii de bine....printre surprizele inceputului de an.
Souvenirs (4:43)
02. Drachma (4:22)
03. The Emanation (4:48)
04. En/Soph (5:11)
05. Relics (4:48)
06. Obsidian Damascene Sun (4:46)
07. Uncreated Light (Transfiguration) (4:33)
08. The Column's Vein (2:29)
09. Vanth (5:29)
10. Selenelion (7:02)
11. The Zahir (7:41)
02. Drachma (4:22)
03. The Emanation (4:48)
04. En/Soph (5:11)
05. Relics (4:48)
06. Obsidian Damascene Sun (4:46)
07. Uncreated Light (Transfiguration) (4:33)
08. The Column's Vein (2:29)
09. Vanth (5:29)
10. Selenelion (7:02)
11. The Zahir (7:41)
Kevin Hufnagel / guitar
Toby Driver / bass
Josh Strawn / guitar, vocals
Charlie Schmid / drums
Steam Theory - Helios Rider 2012
Album instrumental de fusion/progresive, al doilea al trupei americane. Un material "cuminte", nici nu iese in evidenta cu ceva, dar nici nu deranjeaza la urechi.
1. Daedalus 04:45
2. Helios Rider 04:59
3. Sunstorm 05:25
4. Appalachia 07:53
5. Striker 05:23
6. Camarilla 07:47
7. The Mule 06:51
8. Portent 08:35
9. Walking Tall 04:54
Jason Denkevitz / guitar, synth
Keith Misemer / bass
Nick Costa / drums
1. Daedalus 04:45
2. Helios Rider 04:59
3. Sunstorm 05:25
4. Appalachia 07:53
5. Striker 05:23
6. Camarilla 07:47
7. The Mule 06:51
8. Portent 08:35
9. Walking Tall 04:54
Jason Denkevitz / guitar, synth
Keith Misemer / bass
Nick Costa / drums
luni, 27 februarie 2012
Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Âme 2012
Proiect al unui francez, care se ocupa de tot, aflat la al treilea album, in dreptul caruia scrie Experimental/Post-Metal. Si se ocupa bine. Asadar, se poate pune spre ascultare.
1. Autre temps
2. Là Où Naissent Les Couleurs Nouvelles
3. Les Voyages De L'Âme
4. Nous Sommes L'Emeraude
5. Beings Of Light
6. Faiseurs De Mondes
7. Havens
8. Summer's Glory
Neige / all instruments and vocals, composition, lyrics, recording
1. Autre temps
2. Là Où Naissent Les Couleurs Nouvelles
3. Les Voyages De L'Âme
4. Nous Sommes L'Emeraude
5. Beings Of Light
6. Faiseurs De Mondes
7. Havens
8. Summer's Glory
Neige / all instruments and vocals, composition, lyrics, recording
Beyond The Bridge - The Old Man & the Spirit 2012
Trupa germana de progressive metal, album de debut. Influente inerente Dream Theater sau Symphony X, insa un material destul de bun, spre care poate fi aplecata urechea.
1.The Call 06:34
2.The Apparition 08:02
3.Triumph Of Irreality 06:11
4.The Spring Of It All 01:48
5.A World Of Wonders 05:02
6.The Primal Demand 02:07
7.Doorway To Salvation 07:53
8.The Struggle 05:22
9.The Difference Is Human 07:55
10.Where The Earth And Sky Meet 06:57
11.All A Man Can Do 09:33
Herbie Langhans / vocals
Dilenya Mar / vocals
Peter Degenfeld-Schonburg / guitar
Christopher Tarnow / keyboards
Dominik Stotzem / bass
Fabian Maier / drums
Simon Oberender / keyboards, guitar
1.The Call 06:34
2.The Apparition 08:02
3.Triumph Of Irreality 06:11
4.The Spring Of It All 01:48
5.A World Of Wonders 05:02
6.The Primal Demand 02:07
7.Doorway To Salvation 07:53
8.The Struggle 05:22
9.The Difference Is Human 07:55
10.Where The Earth And Sky Meet 06:57
11.All A Man Can Do 09:33
Herbie Langhans / vocals
Dilenya Mar / vocals
Peter Degenfeld-Schonburg / guitar
Christopher Tarnow / keyboards
Dominik Stotzem / bass
Fabian Maier / drums
Simon Oberender / keyboards, guitar
Kyle Bruckmann's Wrack - Cracked Reflection 2012
Un album aspru, taios si intens. A se consuma (asculta) intr-o stare adecvata.
1. Exacerbator 5:44
2. Notwithstanding 12:55
3. Ratchet Forms 9:13
4. Fair To Middling 8:25
5. The Dishevelator 7:13
6. A Shambles 10:49
7. Njbc 9:09
Kyle Bruckmann – oboe, English horn
Tim Daisy – percussion
Anton Hatwich – bass
Jen Clare Paulson – viola
Jason Stein – bass clarinet
Marty Ehrlich's Rites Quartet - Frog Leg Logic 2012

Frog Leg Logic
You Can Beat the Slanted Cards
Walk Along the Way
My Song
The Gravedigger's Respite
Marty Ehrlich: / alto and soprano saxophone, flute
James Zollar / trumpet
Hank Roberts / cello
Michael Sarin / drums.
Hank Roberts - Everything Is Alive 2012
Hank Roberts si Bill Frisell, impreuna pe un album dupa care, imediat ce il asculti, iti vine sa te uiti la un film mai vechi de-al lui Wenders. De tras cu urechea la el.
1. Crew Cut
2. Cayuga
3. Easy's Pocket
4. Treats With a Blind Dog
5. Joker's Ace
6. Open Gate
7. Necklace
8. JB
9. Sapphire
10. Sapphire Blue
Hank Roberts / cello, voice, jazzaphone fiddle
Bill Frisell / electric and acoustic guitars
Jerome Harris / acoustic bass guitar, acoustic guitar, voice
Kenny Wollesen / drums, percussion
1. Crew Cut
2. Cayuga
3. Easy's Pocket
4. Treats With a Blind Dog
5. Joker's Ace
6. Open Gate
7. Necklace
8. JB
9. Sapphire
10. Sapphire Blue
Hank Roberts / cello, voice, jazzaphone fiddle
Bill Frisell / electric and acoustic guitars
Jerome Harris / acoustic bass guitar, acoustic guitar, voice
Kenny Wollesen / drums, percussion
Eric Marienthal - It's Love 2012

1 – Get Here
2 – In A Sentimental Mood
3 – Can’t Buy Me Love
4 – It’s Love
5 – Two In One
6 – Costa Del Soul
7 – Babycakes
8 – Cafe Royale
09 – St. Moritz
10 – When I Found You
Eric Marienthal / sax
Russell Ferrante / keyboards
Gary Novak / drums
Tim Lefebvre / bass
Will Bernard Trio - Outdoor Living 2012
Chitarist american, pe filiera John Scofield. Un album destul de bun, merita o ascultare.
1. Nature Walk 05:38
2. Morgan Deux 05:02
3. Nooksack 05:47
4. 6B 04:59
5. Roaming Charges 07:06
6. Point Blank 03:42
7. Squeaky Chug Chug 07:07
8. Katskan 07:27
9. Implitude 03:33
Will Bernard / guitar
Simon Lott / drums
Wil Blades / Hammond B3
1. Nature Walk 05:38
2. Morgan Deux 05:02
3. Nooksack 05:47
4. 6B 04:59
5. Roaming Charges 07:06
6. Point Blank 03:42
7. Squeaky Chug Chug 07:07
8. Katskan 07:27
9. Implitude 03:33
Will Bernard / guitar
Simon Lott / drums
Wil Blades / Hammond B3
Wadada Leo Smith's Mbira - Dark Lady Of The Sonnets 2012
Cinci compozitii ale trompetistului american Wadada Leo Smith, ajuns la 70 de ani, pe un album pe care auzim si un instrument traditional chinez. De ascultat, negresit.
1. Sarah Bell Wallace
2. Blues: Cosmic Beauty
3. Zulu Waterfall Festival
4. Dark Lady Of The Sonnets
5. Mbira
Wadada Leo Smith / trumpet
Pheeroan akLaff / drums
Min Xiao-Fen / Chinese pippa
1. Sarah Bell Wallace
2. Blues: Cosmic Beauty
3. Zulu Waterfall Festival
4. Dark Lady Of The Sonnets
5. Mbira
Wadada Leo Smith / trumpet
Pheeroan akLaff / drums
Min Xiao-Fen / Chinese pippa
Vijay Iyer Trio - Accelerando 2012

1. Bode
2. Optimism
3. The Star Of A Story
4. Human Nature [Trio Extension]
5. Wildflower
6. Mmmhmm
7 Little Pocket Size Demons
8. Lude
9. Accelerando
10. Actions Speak
11. The Village of The Virgins
duminică, 26 februarie 2012
Flying Colors - Flying Colors 2012

1. Blue Ocean
2. Shoulda Coulda Woulda
3. Kayla
4. The Storm
5. Forever In A Daze
6. Love Is What I'm Waiting For
7. Everything Changes
8. Better Than Walking Away
9. All Falls Down
10. Fool In My Heart
11. Infinite Fire
Casey McPherson / vocals, electric guitar, keyboards
Steve Morse / acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Dave LaRue / bass guitar
Neal Morse / keyboards, vocals
Mike Portnoy / drums, percussions, vocals
sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2012
The Atomic Bomb Audition - How to Dismantle a U2 2012
Trupa americana de Experimental/Post Metal, mai au trei albume la activ. Auzim aici diverse cover-uri, dintre care cel dupa Echoes de la Pink Floyd e fain de tot. In general, auzim chestii care fac albumul recomandabil spre ascultare.
01. Plainsong 04:09
02. Time Lapse (For Carly) 04:52
03. Three Sevens (For Joyce) 02:47
04. Laura’s Theme 05:23
05. Ra’ad: Traced Upon the Sky 05:05
06. All is Full of Love 05:10
07. Echoes 18:03
Alee Karim / guitar, vocals
Brian Gleeson / drums, vocals, theremin
Jason Hoopes / bass, vocals
The Norman Conquest / sound manipulation, synthesizers, vocals
01. Plainsong 04:09
02. Time Lapse (For Carly) 04:52
03. Three Sevens (For Joyce) 02:47
04. Laura’s Theme 05:23
05. Ra’ad: Traced Upon the Sky 05:05
06. All is Full of Love 05:10
07. Echoes 18:03
Alee Karim / guitar, vocals
Brian Gleeson / drums, vocals, theremin
Jason Hoopes / bass, vocals
The Norman Conquest / sound manipulation, synthesizers, vocals
Crippled Black Phoenix - (Mankind) The Crafty Ape 2012
Chiar daca se simt (uneori) destul de pregnant influentele Pink Floyd, acest al patrulea album al britanicilor e unul care nu poate fi trecut cu vederea. Asadar, de pus mana pe el si de bagat la ascultat.
1. Nothing (We Are.) (1:24)
2. The Heart Of Every Country (10:04)
3. Get Down And Live With It (7:11)
4. (In The Yonder Marsh) (4:11)
5. A Letter Concerning Dogheads (6:24)
6. The Brain \ Poznan (7:37)
7. Laying Traps (4:45)
8. Born In A Hurricane (3:31)
9. Release The Clowns (5:23)
10. (What?) (1:35)
11. A Suggestion (Not A Very Nice One) (5:54)
12. (Dig, Bury, Deny) (2:08)
13. Operation Mincemeat (6:58)
14. We Will Never Get Out This World Alive (4:12)
15. Faced With Complete Failure, Utter Defiance Is The Only Response (14:50)
1. Nothing (We Are.) (1:24)
2. The Heart Of Every Country (10:04)
3. Get Down And Live With It (7:11)
4. (In The Yonder Marsh) (4:11)
5. A Letter Concerning Dogheads (6:24)
6. The Brain \ Poznan (7:37)
7. Laying Traps (4:45)
8. Born In A Hurricane (3:31)
9. Release The Clowns (5:23)
10. (What?) (1:35)
11. A Suggestion (Not A Very Nice One) (5:54)
12. (Dig, Bury, Deny) (2:08)
13. Operation Mincemeat (6:58)
14. We Will Never Get Out This World Alive (4:12)
15. Faced With Complete Failure, Utter Defiance Is The Only Response (14:50)
Justin Greaves / Electric Guitar, Drums, Saw, Keyboard, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Effects, Samples
Karl Demata - Electric Guitar, Dobro, Slide Guitar
Christian Heilmann - Bass Guitar
Mark Furnevall - Synths & Keyboards
Mark Ophidian - Synths & Keyboards
Miriam Wolf - Piano & Vocals
Cartel Carnage - Incorporated 2012
Amestec de jazz si metal, care te duce cu gandul la Naked City sau Fantomas. Trupa franceza e la al doilea album, care nu e usor de digerat, dar care poate fi incercat.
1. Scissor Me
2. Houx Wardiougue
3. Plus De Pâtes
4. Foolish Grenade Amplifier
5. Beyond Free Zehl
6. Encore Plus De Pâtes
7. Tone Box Pie 4
8. Le Chant De La Carpe
9. Adverse Anxiety And The Cheetah
10. South Mountains
11. Ready, Steady, Go!
12. Mes Choux Gars
13. Badaboom On Ze World
14. Missing Him
15. Obliques Strategies
16. Pourquoi
Sylvain Cathala - Tenor Sax & C-Melody Sax.
Sylvain Bardiau - Trumpet & Electronics
Fred Maurin - Guitars, Keyboards
Alex Tomazsewski - Bass, Keyboards
Rafaël Koerner - Drums
1. Scissor Me
2. Houx Wardiougue
3. Plus De Pâtes
4. Foolish Grenade Amplifier
5. Beyond Free Zehl
6. Encore Plus De Pâtes
7. Tone Box Pie 4
8. Le Chant De La Carpe
9. Adverse Anxiety And The Cheetah
10. South Mountains
11. Ready, Steady, Go!
12. Mes Choux Gars
13. Badaboom On Ze World
14. Missing Him
15. Obliques Strategies
16. Pourquoi
Sylvain Cathala - Tenor Sax & C-Melody Sax.
Sylvain Bardiau - Trumpet & Electronics
Fred Maurin - Guitars, Keyboards
Alex Tomazsewski - Bass, Keyboards
Rafaël Koerner - Drums
Kayo Dot - Gamma Knife 2012

1. Lethe (5:05)
2. Rite of Goetic Evocation (6:40)
3. Mirror Water, Lightning Night (5:33)
4. Ocellated God (6:32)
5. Gamma Knife (6:46)
Toby Driver / bass guitar, guitar, clarinet, keys, vocals
Terran Olson / woodwinds and more keys
Daniel Means / woodwinds, guitar, keys, bass guitar
Keith Abrams / drumset, bass guitar
Mia Matsumiya: violin, keys, guitar
And occasionally:
David Bodie / drums & percussion
Tim Byrnes / trumpet, synth, french horn
Ron Varod / guitar and synth
Paolo Fresu & Omar Sosa – Alma 2012
Colaborare intre pianistul cubanez Omar Sosa si trompetistul italian Paolo Fresu. Emana multa caldura, nu trebuie scapata ocazia de a-l asculta.
1 – S’inguldu
2 – Inverno Grigio
3 – No Trance
4 – Alma
5 – Angustia
6 – Crepuscolo
7 – Moon On The Sky
8 – Old D Blues
9 – Ninos
10 – Nenia
11 – Under African Skies
12 – Rimanere Grande!
Paolo Fresu / horns & percussions
Omar Sosa / piano, Fender Rhodes
Jacques Morelembaum / cello
1 – S’inguldu
2 – Inverno Grigio
3 – No Trance
4 – Alma
5 – Angustia
6 – Crepuscolo
7 – Moon On The Sky
8 – Old D Blues
9 – Ninos
10 – Nenia
11 – Under African Skies
12 – Rimanere Grande!
Paolo Fresu / horns & percussions
Omar Sosa / piano, Fender Rhodes
Jacques Morelembaum / cello
Motorpsycho - The Death Defying Unicorn 2012
Albumul cu nr. 15 pentru norvegieni. Si ce album...Lungiti repede urechile catre el fiindca, vorba unui clasic in viata, nici nu stiti ce pierdeti.
1. Out Of The Woods (2:41)
2. The Hollow Lands (7:37)
3. Through The Veil (16:01)
4. Doldrums (3:07)
5. Into The Gyre (10:22)
6. Flotsam (1:33)
7. Oh Proteus - A Prayer (7:35)
8. Sculls In Limbo (2:21)
9. La Lethe (7:53)
10. Oh Proteus - A Lament (1:05)
11. Sharks (7:56)
12. Mutiny! (8:33)
13. Into The Mystic (7:05)
1. Out Of The Woods (2:41)
2. The Hollow Lands (7:37)
3. Through The Veil (16:01)
4. Doldrums (3:07)
5. Into The Gyre (10:22)
6. Flotsam (1:33)
7. Oh Proteus - A Prayer (7:35)
8. Sculls In Limbo (2:21)
9. La Lethe (7:53)
10. Oh Proteus - A Lament (1:05)
11. Sharks (7:56)
12. Mutiny! (8:33)
13. Into The Mystic (7:05)
Bent Sæther / vocals, bass
Hans Magnus Ryan / vocals, guitars
Kenneth Kapstad / drums
Staale Storløkken / keyboards
Trondheim Jazz Orchestra and Trondheimssolistene
vineri, 24 februarie 2012
Trio Subtonic - I'll Meet You There Tomorrow 2012

1. Intro 0:31
2. High Country 6:23
3. Garage & Grace 5:42
4. Life Under Water 5:02
5. Obsidian Blue 5:49
6. Sasquatch Sun 5:18
7. Gliese 581c 4:01
8. Independence Day 5:19
9. String Theory 5:21
10. There We Were 7:12
Galen Clark / keyboards
Bill Athens / bass
Jesse Brooke / drums
Dirty Three - Toward The Low Sun 2012
Al optulea album al australienilor, după o pauza de sapte ani. Muzica de calitate, un alt album de neratat.
Warren Ellis / violin
Mick Turner / electric guitar
Jim White / drums
1 Furnace Skies
2 Sometimes I Forget You’ve Gone
3 Moon On The Land
4 Rising Below
5 The Pier
6 Rain Song
7 That Was Was
8 Ashen Snow
9 You Greet Her Ghos
2 Sometimes I Forget You’ve Gone
3 Moon On The Land
4 Rising Below
5 The Pier
6 Rain Song
7 That Was Was
8 Ashen Snow
9 You Greet Her Ghos
Warren Ellis / violin
Mick Turner / electric guitar
Jim White / drums
Propane Propane - Indigo 2012
Album de debut al suedezilor, cu mult Black Sabbath in el. Nu deranjeaza insa la urechi prea tare, poate fi ascultat, chiar are unele pasaje ok.
3.Cosmic Hideout
4. Food Of The Gods
7.Purple Sun
8.Return Of The Burning Son
Benjamin Thörnblom / guitar and vocals
Jakob Gill / drums
Niklas Andersson / bass
Rickard Swahn / guitar
3.Cosmic Hideout
4. Food Of The Gods
7.Purple Sun
8.Return Of The Burning Son
Benjamin Thörnblom / guitar and vocals
Jakob Gill / drums
Niklas Andersson / bass
Rickard Swahn / guitar
Pharaoh Overlord - Lunar Jetman 2012
Schimb registrul si trec la o trupa finlandeza etichetata drept Psychedelic/Space Rock, aflata la cel de-al saptelea album.Muzica repetitiva, uneori monotona. dar se poate incerca, au si unele chestii interesante.
1. Rodent (10:43)
2. Palmyra Cali (13:29)
3. Cardinal (04:09)
4. Black Horse (16:37)
5. Cave of Hair (29:25)
Janne Westerlund / guitar
Jussi Lehtisalo / bass, guitar
Tomi Leppänen / drums
1. Rodent (10:43)
2. Palmyra Cali (13:29)
3. Cardinal (04:09)
4. Black Horse (16:37)
5. Cave of Hair (29:25)
Janne Westerlund / guitar
Jussi Lehtisalo / bass, guitar
Tomi Leppänen / drums
Neil Cowley Trio - The Face of Mount Molehill 2012
Pianist englez, mai are la activ patru albume. Asta nu m-a prins in intregime, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu merita a fi semnalat spre auditie.
1. Lament
2. Rooster Was A Witness
3. Fable
4. Meyer
5. Skies Are Rare
6. Mini Ha Ha
7. Slims
8. Distance By Clockwork
9. The Face Of Mount Molehill
10. Hope Machine
11. La Porte
12. Siren’s Last Look Back
Neil Cowley / piano
Rex Horan / bass
Evan Jenkins / drums
1. Lament
2. Rooster Was A Witness
3. Fable
4. Meyer
5. Skies Are Rare
6. Mini Ha Ha
7. Slims
8. Distance By Clockwork
9. The Face Of Mount Molehill
10. Hope Machine
11. La Porte
12. Siren’s Last Look Back
Neil Cowley / piano
Rex Horan / bass
Evan Jenkins / drums
Jens Thomas & Verneri Pohjola - Speed of Grace (A Tribute to ACDC) 2012
Alt material pe care apare Verneri Pohjola, un album scos de panistul german Jens Thomas, cu cover-uri dupa AC/DC. Ce a iesit? Ceva de bagat urechea musai.
01. Highway to Hell
02. Live Wire
03. T.N.T.
04. It’s a Long Way to the Top
05. The Jack
06. Night Prowler
07. Hells Bells
08. Connected
09. If You Want Blood
10. Rock ‘n’ Roll Singer
11. Keep It Down Boy
12. Touch Too Much
13. You Shook Me All Night Long
Jens Thomas / vocals, piano, rhodes, wurlitzer harmonium, shaman drum
Verneri Pohjola / trumpet
01. Highway to Hell
02. Live Wire
03. T.N.T.
04. It’s a Long Way to the Top
05. The Jack
06. Night Prowler
07. Hells Bells
08. Connected
09. If You Want Blood
10. Rock ‘n’ Roll Singer
11. Keep It Down Boy
12. Touch Too Much
13. You Shook Me All Night Long
Jens Thomas / vocals, piano, rhodes, wurlitzer harmonium, shaman drum
Verneri Pohjola / trumpet
joi, 23 februarie 2012
Verneri Pohjola Quartet - Ancient History 2012
Al doilea album al trompetistului finlandez Verneri Pohjola. Curat, limpede, de adaugat in playlist.
Verneri Pohjola / trumpet
Aki Rissanen / piano
Joonas Riippa / drums
Antti Lötjönen / bass.
Jukka Perko / alto saxophone on 6
Tatu Rönkkö / percussion on 4,5 & 8
1. | Deism - 11:10 |
2. | But This One Goes In Four - 9:08 |
3. | Ancient History - 6:28 |
4. | Hyperballad - 5:01 |
5. | White View - 8:50 |
6. | Cheap Taxi Adventure - 9:33 |
7. | Thunderous Thoughts - 6:38 |
8. | Ballad 18 - 5:42 |
Verneri Pohjola / trumpet
Aki Rissanen / piano
Joonas Riippa / drums
Antti Lötjönen / bass.
Jukka Perko / alto saxophone on 6
Tatu Rönkkö / percussion on 4,5 & 8
Erland Dahlen - Rolling Bomber 2012
Primul album solo al bateristului norvegian, care a colaborat de-a lungul vremii cu o multime de muzicieni, cu care a realizat peste 130 de inregistrari. A facut parte in ultima vreme si din trupa Madrugada. Aici canta pe tot felul de instrumente de percutie sau electronice. Urechile mari spre el.
1. Flower Power (6:31)
2. Funeral (5:23)
3. Piratman (5:41)
4. Dragon (5:21)
5. Monkey (4:49)
6. Pyramid (4:34)
7. Germany (3:32)
Erland Dahlen / Drums, Timpani, Percussion, Maracas, Kalimba, Temple Blocks, Steel Drums, Electronics
1. Flower Power (6:31)
2. Funeral (5:23)
3. Piratman (5:41)
4. Dragon (5:21)
5. Monkey (4:49)
6. Pyramid (4:34)
7. Germany (3:32)
Erland Dahlen / Drums, Timpani, Percussion, Maracas, Kalimba, Temple Blocks, Steel Drums, Electronics
Calibro 35 - Ogni riferimento... è puramente casuale 2012
Muzica de film, nitel jazz-rock si funk pe al treilea album al italienilor. Destul de haios.
1 - Ogni riferimento a fatti realmente accaduti è puramente casuale
2 - Uh ah brrr
3 - Arrivederci e grazie
4 - New Dehli deli
5 - Il pacco
6 - Passaggi nel tempo
7 - New York New York
8 - Buone notizie
9 - La banda del B.B.Q. (Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens)
10 - Pioggia e cemento
11 - Massacro all'alba
12 - Ogni riferimento a persone esistenti è puramente casuale
1 - Ogni riferimento a fatti realmente accaduti è puramente casuale
2 - Uh ah brrr
3 - Arrivederci e grazie
4 - New Dehli deli
5 - Il pacco
6 - Passaggi nel tempo
7 - New York New York
8 - Buone notizie
9 - La banda del B.B.Q. (Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens)
10 - Pioggia e cemento
11 - Massacro all'alba
12 - Ogni riferimento a persone esistenti è puramente casuale
Jenny Hval – Nude On Sand 2012
Vocalista norvegiana, aici alaturi de chitaristul Havard Volda. Putin peste 30 de minute de muzica si poezie. Nu il sariti daca dati peste el.
Jenny Hval - guitar and voice
Håvard Volden - guitar
Vowel (5:17)
Bring It Back (3:59)
Enough With the Breathing (4:14)
It Don't Burn (4:28)
Running Down My (6:02)
Body Tambourines (3:59)
Enough With the Breathing II (3:36)
Jenny Hval - guitar and voice
Håvard Volden - guitar
miercuri, 22 februarie 2012
Charlie Haden & Hank Jones - Come Sunday 2012
Continui cu un alt bassist drag mie, Charlie Haden, Aici alaturi de pianistul Hank Jones, interpretand cantece traditionale si spirituals.. Linistitor.
1 – Take My Hand Precious Lord
2 – God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
3 – Down By The Riverside
4 – Going Home
5 – Blessed Assurance
6 – It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
7 – Bringing In The Sheaves
8 – Deep River
9 – Give Me That Old Time Religion
10 – Sweet Hour Of Prayer
11 – The Old Rugged Cross
12 – Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
13 – Nearer My God To Thee
14 – Come Sunday
Charlie Haden / double bass
Hank Jones / piano
1 – Take My Hand Precious Lord
2 – God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
3 – Down By The Riverside
4 – Going Home
5 – Blessed Assurance
6 – It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
7 – Bringing In The Sheaves
8 – Deep River
9 – Give Me That Old Time Religion
10 – Sweet Hour Of Prayer
11 – The Old Rugged Cross
12 – Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
13 – Nearer My God To Thee
14 – Come Sunday
Charlie Haden / double bass
Hank Jones / piano
Lars Danielsson - Liberetto 2012
Ce-ar mai fi de spus....o adevarata desfatare pentru mine.
1 – Yerevan
2 – Liberetto
3 – Day One
4 – Orange Market
5 – Hymnen
6 – Svensk Lat
7 – Hov arek sarer djan
8 – Party On The Planet
9 – Tystnaden
10 – Ahdes Theme
11 – Driven To Daylight
12 – Bla Angar
Lars Danielsson / bass, cello, Wurlitzer piano on #8
Tigran / piano, vocals on #7
John Parricelli / guitar
Arve Henriksen / trumpet
Magnus Öström / drums & percussion
Living Room in London - Living Room in London 2012
Album de debut. "A pioneering fusion of the first bass clarinet & hang duo in the world 'Living Room' and a string trio with musicians from the Solstice Quartetand the London Symphony Orchestra". De incercat cu incredere, merita cu prisosinta.
1. Constructing
2. Lilla kontrast
3. Without words
4. Indian sandpaper
5. Tubular pulp
6. Rondo a la turk
7. Rising between the trains
8, Another song
Manu Delago – Hang
Christoph Pepe Auer - Bass Clarinet/Saxophone/Kalimba/iTanpura
Ellie Fagg - Violin
Tom Norris - Violin/Viola/Guitar
Gregor Riddell - Cello
1. Constructing
2. Lilla kontrast
3. Without words
4. Indian sandpaper
5. Tubular pulp
6. Rondo a la turk
7. Rising between the trains
8, Another song
Manu Delago – Hang
Christoph Pepe Auer - Bass Clarinet/Saxophone/Kalimba/iTanpura
Ellie Fagg - Violin
Tom Norris - Violin/Viola/Guitar
Gregor Riddell - Cello
Ahmad Jamal - Blue Moon 2012

01 – Autumn Rain
02 – Blue Moon
03 – Gypsy
04 – Invitation
05 – I Remember Italy
06 – Laura
07 – Morning Mist
08 – This is the Life
09 – Woody’n You
Ahmad Jamal / piano
Reginald Veal / double bass
Herlin Riley / drums
Manolo Badrena / percussion
Aldo Tagliapietra-Nella Pietra E Nel Vento 2012
Primul album scos dupa despartirea de Le Orme a vocalistului italian. Un produs destul de bun, iubitorii de rock progresiv italian vor fi satisfacuti cred.
01 Nella pietra e nel vento
02 Silenzi
03 Il santo
04 La cosa piu bella
05 Un grande giardino
06 Sette passi
07 C’e una vita
08 Tra il bene e il male
09 Dio lo sa
10 Il sutra del cuore
Aldo Tagliapietra - vocals
Aligi Pasqualetto - piano, minimoog
Andrea De Nardi - Hammond organ
Matteo Ballarin - guitar
Manuel Smaniotto -drums
01 Nella pietra e nel vento
02 Silenzi
03 Il santo
04 La cosa piu bella
05 Un grande giardino
06 Sette passi
07 C’e una vita
08 Tra il bene e il male
09 Dio lo sa
10 Il sutra del cuore
Aldo Tagliapietra - vocals
Aligi Pasqualetto - piano, minimoog
Andrea De Nardi - Hammond organ
Matteo Ballarin - guitar
Manuel Smaniotto -drums
Gavin Harrison & 05ric - The Man Who Sold Himself 2012
Alt album scos anul acesta de un membru Porcupine Tree, bateristul Gavin Harrison. Este cea de-a treia colaborare a lui cu muzicianul din Cambridge 05RIC. Pe scurt: un album splendid, urechile mari catre el.
1. Prize
2. Identitas
3. The Man Who Sold Himself
4. Own
5. Body Temple
6. 107
7. Wherewithal
8. Awake
9. Water Slips
10. Way
2. Identitas
3. The Man Who Sold Himself
4. Own
5. Body Temple
6. 107
7. Wherewithal
8. Awake
9. Water Slips
10. Way
05ric / Extended bass, vocals, guitar
Gavin Harrison / Drums, percussion, piano, guitar, bass
Colin Edwin-PVZ 2012
Alt proiect al unui membru Porcupine Tree, bassistul Colin Edwin, al doilea lui album solo. Sursa de inspiratie a fost, din cate inteleg, volumul “Opium and Other Stories”, al scriitorului maghiar Geza Csath, aparut in anii '20 ai secolului trecut. Albumul e unul de disecat, nu spune tot la prima auditie, zic eu. Ce e sigur e ca bass-ul lui Edwin suna, ca de obicei, bine de tot.
1 Opium
2 Filled With Colour
3 Endless Ascent
4 Arms of Sunlight
5 Interlude
6 A Dream Forgotten
7 The Surgeon
8 Vicious Circles
9 Empty Yourself
10 Frozen Hours
11 The Final Scene
Mai jos, o piesa de pe albumul de debut al lui Colin Edwin.
marți, 21 februarie 2012
Steve Hogarth & Richard Barbieri-Not The Weapon But The Hand 2012
Steve Hogarth (Marillion) si Richard Barbieri (Porcupine Tree), la prima lor colaborare. Rezultatul nu putea fi decat unul care sa te faca sa nu iti dezlipesti urechile. Mai sunt si cateva momente, putine ce-i drept, la polul opus, dar e un album ce merita ascultat.
1. Red Kite
2. A Cat With Seven Souls
3. Naked
4. Crack
5. Your Beautiful Face
6. Only Love Will Make You Free
7. Lifting The Lid
8. Not the Weapon But The Hand
Steve Hogarth / vocals
Richard Barbieri / keyb
Arran Ahmun / drums
Danny Thompson / double bass
Chris Maitland / drums
Dave Gregory / guitar
1. Red Kite
2. A Cat With Seven Souls
3. Naked
4. Crack
5. Your Beautiful Face
6. Only Love Will Make You Free
7. Lifting The Lid
8. Not the Weapon But The Hand
Richard Barbieri / keyb
Arran Ahmun / drums
Danny Thompson / double bass
Chris Maitland / drums
Dave Gregory / guitar
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